Tuesday, January 24, 2006

So Ironic...

It's so weird how things always seem to happen all at once.

I'm talking about my social life.

I moved back here, to the city I grew up in, a year and a half ago for a new job and to get married. I left all of my friends in Southern California. Aside from my sister, I have survived on One Friend this past 19 months. Until, like, 1 week ago.

In this past week, I have had 5 invitations out to either lunch or dinner. Monday, my friend from college called me to let me know her sister moved to my area. So I met her sister for lunch Wednesday. That same day, I got a call from a friend who lives a couple hours away, asking me to call back and schedule a night we could meet half way for dinner. Last Friday evening, my husband's best friend's fiance asked me to go wedding dress shopping and out to dinner with her. An old friend from high school asked me to meet her for lunch yesterday. Then my oldest friend (since 3rd grade) called to let me know she's in town next month and asked if I could go to dinner. So AT LAST, I am getting more friends, and am finally. going. to. have. a. social. life.

What makes this so ironic? The fact that I'm getting this great, well-rounded, exciting social life 6 months before I have a child and end up having nearly NO TIME for lunch and dinner dates. And the only one with children is the one who lives 2 hours from me. So most likely the social life that I'll be spending the next 6 months cultivating and nurturing will DISINTEGRATE. Into the vast nothingness it was two weeks ago. And to top it off, the Trivia Night at the brewery that husby and I have so much fun going to (with The Only Friend) on Tuesday nights? That will also be no longer, because there is NO WAY I am going to have someone babysit my brand new little baby just so I can go drink beer and play trivia. So in fact, my social life will actually be LESS than the vast nothingness. It will be a VAST WASTELAND of NOTHINGNESS....


Silly Hily said...

And somehow, you will be fine with that social life being gone b/c when you do get the time to go out, you will have so much fun BUT you will miss the new love of your life with all your heart.

Isabel said...

Hey, making friends now means more people to attend your baby shower.

(you have to look at the positives)

Janet said...

I think Isabel is totally right!

DeAnn said...

But, hey, at least you'll have lots of friends to visit and buy you baby shower gifts. Which is the whole point of friends, right? The GIFTS!!

Anonymous said...

It always seems that it's the same way for Aaron and I. One week we have no plans and the next we have something everyday of the week!

And I agree with Isabel too!

Mrs. Ca said...

I'm sure your social life will be fine after the baby. And maybe you'll find a friend who will want to babysit every once in a while. That's a definite positive.

Ella said...

Don't let the baby change your life if you don't want it to. You don't have to give up your friends or your lunch/dinner dates just cause you have a baby. Bring the baby along. Or have your friends come to your house. It works out if you try. Trust me, you'll be happier if you have a well-rounded life with hubby, baby, and friends.