Wednesday, November 30, 2005

You ready for the news???

Been bad about writing. Life is just WAY too crazy right now. Not only is work insane, but I'm trying to exist calmly with all the possessions my husband and I will need for an entire year in ONE TINY BEDROOM (the closet is practically the size of my pinkie I've done what any normal wife would do, and made my husband find somewhere else to put his clothes. Lucky for him there's another spare bedroom at my parents' with an empty(ish) closet.). Not only that, but now I have been trying to force myself to go to the gym. That H & M trip made me realize I'm getting out of shape. I've lost so much muscle tone, going up stairs makes me out of breath. Well, that really wasn't the reason I've decided I need to go to the gym much more than I have been this past month. The REAL reason is also the big life-changing news: Are you ready?

I'm pregnant!

I'm only about 5.5 weeks into it, and I still haven't been to the doc (My first appt is tomorrow at 8:30 am, and I'll let ya'll know how it goes). But I must share something about this pregnancy: I am PETRIFIED I am going to lose this baby. It wasn't planned (as "unplanned" as a pregnancy can be when you're married and just happened to be too lazy/busy one month to refill your Yasmine prescription, but anyway), but even though I didn't really want-want a baby yet (sometimes I got baby fever, but it always went away), now that I know I'm going to have one, I am SOOO excited...yet terrified at the same time. It's a really strange feeling. So is the sensation of wanting to go to bed at 8:30 pm...this pregnancy thing is just really weird altogether. And so are the things that I freak out about now (Oh no, I forgot to take my prenatal yesterday! Now my baby's going to have Brain Damage!"). Seriously, I've become a freak.

But regardless of my freakiness, Husby and I are thrilled, despite the fact that we don't have our own house yet, but I know it'll all work out. And I know I shouldn't be so worried and negative, but it's just a really scary time for me right now! I mean, now I actually have to start being like a grown up, not to mention start adjusting to the fact that I'm going to have a "post partum" body...

Hmmm, forget all that crap, I just need to start saving for that Petunia Pickle Bottom diaper bag....


Erika said...


Those feelings of worry are crippling but everyone gets them. I am 23 weeks and still not "breathing easy". There is nothing you are going to do or not do that will cause you to lose the baby, so just take it day by day. Best of luck!!!

Heather B. said...

Well that was to be my guess.


Ticket 4 Two said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are so cute and I am soooo excited! As a (former) yoga teacher, I totally recommend yoga for gaining muscle, making labor easier and helping any depression/hormone things you might have. Yoga and Jesus are the cure. Not in that order ;)

ps. Did I say congrats?
pps. Really? Cause CONGRATS~!
ppps. Husband now says that I can no longer read your blog cause I will "catch" it. We have a lot of health education to catch up on...

Kelly said...

Congrats! I've been a lurker on your blog. I'll enjoy reading about the journey. Just relax and have fun!

AnnaBana said...

Wow, you're my very first de-lurker, Kelly! Yay! And thanks ladies for the congrats...still scared but more excited than anything. I will definitely have to try the Yoga class at my gym now!

Janet said...

Congrats! I have no pregnancy advice except to say that for millions of years millions of women (some in very poor countries)have given birth every day and for almost all of them everything turns out just fine. Vitamins or not. So I think statistics are on your side that things will go great! So happy for you!
(I don't mean that to trivialize it, just to say that don't drive yourself mad with worrying!)

Isabel said...

Well, congrats to you and hubby. What an exciting time for your little family.

I understand your feelings of dread. But they will go away-in time.

I hope you are feeling okay and getting enough time. I wouldn't wish the first trimester on ANYONE. Yes, it is just that bad. But-don't worry, it only lasts 3 months!!

Can't wait to hear more!!