Friday, August 04, 2006

Mucous plug

I know this is gross, but today I lost my mucous plug. I wish that meant something specific and exact, like "You will now go into labor within 24 hours", but of course it doesn't....
Today, I am 9 days overdue. I never thought that I'd actually wish for severe pain like I am right now. I want to have contractions that actually hurt, even so bad that they make me want to scream, because they are actually accomplishing something like, OH, I don't know, getting this baby the HECK OUT OF ME?!?


Anonymous said...

This is just my uneducated guess but I'm feeling pretty confident that the next post will be..."I had the baby!!!!"

Thomas said...

Good luck, AnnaBana.

Emmakirst said...

Ohh yayyy you'll be having/had that baby soon! (or already ;)

Isabel said...

I was 8 days overdue and thought I was going to die. So I totally feel your pain.

Good luck and KEEP US POSTED.

Liberal Banana said...

Well, you'll be induced soon if not, so sooner than later that kid's gonna be out of you! Good luck - I hope all goes smoothly! Can't wait to meet the baby!

Erika said...

11 days for me. Hopefully it won't be that long for you. Which means you would have had the baby already!! Can't wait to see!!

Silly Hily said...

9 days overdue? Bless your heart.
Losing your plug is a good thing! It's progress girl.
Yeah, your next post is totally going to be you telling us all about your little miracle.
Good luck!!!!!!

Ella said...

Sending good baby popping thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

Try having your husband "stir the pot" so to speak. You may not be in the mood for lovin' but it was the PRElovin' that worked for me. My baby was due Christmas Day and I wanted her to come early. We tried this (after I had lost my plug) and that very night I went into labor! (Orgasm relaxes your cervex)

Silly Hily said...

Well, I know by now we must have a baby. Either you went on your own over the weekend or you were induced yesterday! Yippee! Can't wait until you can get to a computer and let us know all the stats like weight, length, when born, and GENDER!

Isabel said...

I can't wait for the news....

Anonymous said...

The world is dying with anticipation!... I'm a lurker (for lack of a better term) that has been following your blogg for several months! I am so excited and can't wait to hear your wonderful news!