Monday, July 10, 2006

Good news and bad news...

First, the good news:
So I finally had the ultrasound appointment today, and the baby is JUST FINE! They said he/she weighs 6 pounds and 13 ounces right now, and the due date could be anywhere from 7/25 (the date determined from my last menstrual period) to 8/3 (what the u/s measurements said). The tech said that it is not an exact science AT ALL, so it really could be anywhere between those two dates. So I don't technically have a due date. Has anyone else had this same problem with their babies? An ever-changing, elusive due date?? I feel like I'm being strung along, I feel so in the dark about when this baby is going to join the outside world! (On a side note, its movements seem SO strong today. It's actually hurt me for the first time with its head. But I wonder if that's all mental because I know how big the baby is now...)

And now the bad: Something really horrible happened today. I just found one of my parent's cats dead under one of their cars. They're out of town for a couple weeks, and I noticed that one of the outside cats wasn't coming around. So when my sister was here (she went to the ultrasound with me), I asked her to check under the cars because I can't really get that low. She said she saw Britches (his name) and started to call him, then looked closer and saw that he was dead. He was pretty old for an outside kitty, 16, so he has had a good life, but I am just incredibly sad right now. My uncle came over, and while he was here, I asked him to bury Britches by an apple tree in the backyard where several cats from years past are buried. Apparently he had been there for several days, and I feel like an awful cat-sitter because it took me so long to find him. Well, at least I know he had a good life. He probably just felt a little tired one afternoon and decided to go lay down in the shade, fell asleep, and just never woke up....


Anonymous said...

sounds like the perfect way to pass away. RIP little kitty.


Yea! for healthy babies! I can't believe how soon you will become a mom. It really seemed to fly by (well, from my end at least. It's probably taking forever to you!)

Erika said...

So glad the baby is fine. I have no advice for the due date thing. I wish they had added a week to mine from the beginning and not told me.

I bet you're right about the cat...just got sleepy. Hang in there!

Liberal Banana said...

Very sorry to hear about Mr. Kitty. He was very old and lived a great life though, so don't be too hard on yourself. It's natural for animals to go off to be alone to die...

It's so exciting that you don't know the sex of the baby! I can't wait to find out!! My pregnant neighbors said that their due date window is ten days before and ten days after July 11 - TODAY! That seems right to me. I mean, it's not like he or she is in there on a timer -- he or she will come out when your body says it's Go Time! And I think it's best not to focus on a specific date. Moms-to-be (like Erika and Isabel!) then get upset and feel like they've failed in some way when the baby is "late." Not true! Just try to be patient. :)

Silly Hily said...

Yay for the growing baby! That's wonderful news. There can be so many different due dates. There is the one that comes from your last cycle, then the one that comes from the ultrasounds, and then the one that comes from when the baby was actually "made" (if you know that date). However, none of them really matter b/c that baby will come when he/she is good and ready. You ARE in the home stretch though.

Poor kitty! That almost made me cry. I'm sorry.

Kelly said...

Aw, I am so sorry about the kitty! :( But what great news about your baby! Have we started guessing what you are gonna have? My guess is GIRL!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the cat. That is hard.

They changed my due date a few times. But I'm with Erika, I wish they would have added a week to it. Because really...the date means nothing. The sweet baby will come when it's ready (and at 6 lbs, it could be ready ANY day).

Congrats on the good ultrasound. And good luck with these next few weeks.

Anonymous said...

So happy to know bubby is doing well! And yes I had the SAME experience as you - my due dates changed constantly and at one point I even had three of them!! Mostly they alternated between Feb 11 and Feb 21, but *I* went on the day from my LMP, which was Feb 11. She was born on Feb 7. :)

I'm guessing a girl as well. And I'm so sorry to hear about the kitty. :(

Anonymous said...

That is so sad about Britches. It makes me want to go home and hug my own kitty. Did you grow up around Britches? It sounds like he died peacefully though.

Great news on the baby!

Chastity said...

Your baby is already over a pound larger than my baby when she was born! I think a due date is pretty much just an estimate unless you are for sure about your conception date.

Ella said...

Very sorry about your kitty but it sounds like he had a good life. We should all be so lucky; to have a great life and to pass peaceful in ones sleep.

Hooray about the baby! Just a couple more days!