Friday, March 03, 2006

New Position

So my new job position is absolutely CRAZY and absolutely FUN. My days fly by, and I'm no longer stuck on the phone 24/7 doing sales. Have I ever mentioned how much I did not enjoy doing that? I stuck w/it because it was a temporary position. The ad agency I work for is very new (The company was founded 5 years ago, but I was only 1 of 2 people starting up this West Coast office). Lucky for me and everyone else who has believed in us, we've been doing very well for ourselves. So now instead of doing sales, I'm doing a million other things. Account coordination and PR. I love PR. It's the creative side. I get to plan parties and events, and put ads in newspapers, and blah blah blah, it's fun. Although I'm doing all this just in time to "semi-retire" when Sweetie Pie is born. But I will always keep my foot in the door, and always do a little here and there because A) I'm always up for making some extra cash, and B) I believe this company is going to go far, and I want to be a part of it.

Okay, that was my lunch break. Now I have to go shove a sandwich down my throat while I type 11 emails.


Ella said...

Congrats on the new position!

Avorie said...

I'm glad you are enjoying your job. You spend too much time at work not to enjoy what you do! You're lucky!

Silly Hily said...

That's great. I can hear the excitement in your voice (or fingers). It IS a very good thing that you enjoy what you do.

Avorie said...

It's wednesday, so I'm very curious to find out how the sonogram went yesterday. I hope that everything is okay...

*sending you good vibes and thoughts*

Anonymous said...

I read your story about your ultrasound and was very happy to hear your outcome. We were just at the doctors last night and found out the results of our ultrasound taken on March 2nd were the same as your first one taken. No stomach seen. I had a horrible night sleep and have been on the internet all morning looking for some information on this. I could not find anything until I stumbled across your story. You have given us some hope, we are trying to schedule another ultrasound, hopefully next week or so. We hope to have the same great results as yourself. Good Luck the rest of the way, and thanks for calming our minds down alittle. I will let you know our results as soon as we get them.

AnnaBana said...

Oh goodness, I just saw this note, and hope you come back and tell me the results of your follow up. PLEASE don't stress too much about it, I have heard so many stories about people whose U/S didn't show something important, like a heart chamber, bladder, etc. I'm sure you've exhausted lots of research on the subject, but most likely, no stomach seen means that the baby just wasn't swallowing at the time of the ultrasound, but most likely next time you'll see it. I will certainly keep you in my prayers, though. Good luck!!