Okay, I know I've been MIA...life's just too crazy sometimes, ya know? As you can see, here's a belly pic. This is Jeff and I almost 2 weeks ago. I surprised him at work on a Sunday night and took him to a hotel in Yountville (Napa Valley). I took this picture at the hotel right before we left for dinner. (I'm retarded with the flash, but don't know how to turn it off, so I'm a faceless pregnant girl).
Change of subject: I am SO excited! Jeff has FINALLY gotten onto a new shift at work! So now instead of him working all weekend, he works during the week!! So now we actually have not just one day together a week, but TWO (and sometimes even three if I don't have to work on Friday, which sometimes happens). His first weekend off is this weekend, and I can't wait to just chill with him. We're probably gonna go to the gym together, then bring our swimsuits and hang out at the pool. YAY! I can't even tell you the last time I had a whole day with him....
Awwww, cute pic, faceless and all. LOL. Glad that you are going to have more time with hubby~! Take care.
cute pic :)
Love the cute maternity shirt!
wow you two are SO SO SO darn cute!
And I am so glad you have more time together now! I would D-I-E if I only had one day a week with my sweetie.
wow! i can't believe how much you've changed since the last pic. You look adorable! And that shirt? Super cute!
This is were you get to hear all the things that make a pregnant girl so happy....You are so freakin cute! All belly! You will pop back into shape after the baby is born without any problems! You are such a cute pregnant woman!
That's great that you two get more time together. what a treasure.
thanks for dropping by and leaving such a sweet comment. We aren't technically tryin again until I get my first AF after the D&C.....but she is not here yet, so we wait.
AWESOME belly shot - so cute!!
Oh! You look so cute! I miss being pregnant. Well, until I see someone who is almost due then I remember what it felt like...
Enjoy it!
Do you have names picked out yet?
LOL...post-partum poop...I (and friends who scared me about it when I was pregnant) had stitches and worried about going the first time after having the baby...all those drugs kind of mess up your system. It wasn't bad though, my advice is GO when you have to go, don't try to put it off and get constipated! That is probably TMI for a comment huh??
Adorable! You look adorable! So glad things are going well.
You (faceless or not) look great. Thanks for sharing.
And hooray on actually being able to spend time with your husband.
Happy Mother's Day!
Happy Mothers Day as well! I'm envious ya'll get to spend two days toghether ;)
You all are so cute! I was definitely not that cute when I was pregnant. =P
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