Monday, November 13, 2006
It's Annabana's Husby
Our house has been keeping both of us very busy as well. Oh, by the way, the "floors" look absolutely wonderful! It's great to have such support from the wifey over that matter. The flat screen plasma is also nice. She has ladies night every Thursday to watch all their "chick" shows.
The wifey says that the "Blogger" will not let us upload pictures because of our computer. I personally think it's operator error. Well, I have to go to work, I hope that this post will encourage the wifey to start blogging some more.
Monday, September 25, 2006
I won!
Anyway. Did you notice the title? Yeah, that's right, I WON, BABY!
Wood floors? CHA CHING!
I will not tell you how I managed to break down my husband...let's just say that we made a deal.
And thus I have become...
A floor-whore.
Yes. That is what it came to, and that is JUST HOW BADLY I wanted my floors redone.
Oooh, don't be shocked. I'm sure all you married ladies have done the same. And if you haven't? I bet you're thinking to yourself right now, " smart...Do something I have to do anyway, but actually get something out of it! Pure Genius!"
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Why is it always like that?
So if any of you read the comments from my last post, you would see that Jeff went behind my back and bought a plasma. And tried to make up for it by being all cute and saying I can watch Gray's Anatomy on it. Well, lucky for me, it came around to bite him on the ASS, because I got an email from saying the order has been cancelled, they're out of stock or something. SO HA! HAHAHAHA! If I was smart and devious, I'd just call the floor guys and have them come out ASAP. A little revenge....
On that note, yes, reading my comments was how he told me he bought the tv. Pansy. So I called him at work, and was like "What the freak??" and he danced around the subject and almost lied to me about it, and started to say that the comment was just a joke, he wanted to see how you all would react, but then thought better about it because he knew I would seriously kick his ass so fast when I found out it wasn't a joke that he wouldn't be able to sit down for a year... and he also doesn't have a couch to sleep on and much prefers our bed. So he told me the truth, and tried to act like it wasn't a big deal. And I was like "What the freak, again??" So then he came home from work, and was acting all depressed, saying he's upset about something that happened at work, and was all sad and "poor me", so I felt bad being pissed off at him because he's all sad, so I couldn't yell and do all the stuff I want to do to him for going behind my back. So I said, "Are you just acting like this so I won't rip you a new one for trying to buy the TV?" And he totally denied it, but I AM NOT STUPID. I KNOW HOW MEN WORK, AND ANYTHING THEY CAN DO TO AVOID GETTING REEMED, THEY WILL DO IT.
I am finished with my run-on sentence now.
*We are not rich. We are a single income family, and my husband works for the government. Remember, we just moved out of my parents' house, where we lived for exactly 11 months, paying zilch in rent and food and all that stuff. We saved and saved and saved, which is how we're able to afford working on our house and some new furniture.
Monday, September 18, 2006
I'm baaack!
I do have to say, though, I sure got a LOT done without any distractions (besides Cole, of course). I almost have the kitchen completely unpacked and organized, the living room is finished (I even spray painted the brass fireplace frame a charcoal color), and all Jeff's and my clothes are organized and put away. Now I just have to get working on the office, the bathrooms, and Cole's room. I am also waiting for our new family room furniture to be delivered this Friday. YAY!
So I need to take a poll. Jeff wants to buy a plasma TV. I want to have the rest of the wood floors refinished in the hallway, office and Cole's room (they have a disgusting, 30 year old carpet on them right now). They'll both cost about the same, and we can only afford to do 1 right now. The other one will have to wait a couple months. So what do you vote on being more important???
My argument is this: we have a good 2 year old TV already, and the nice floors will raise the value of our home. Plus, we'll be able to fully move in to those rooms as soon as the floors are done, instead of halfway moving into them because we know we'll have to pull everything out soon after. And it will look all pottery barn-y and cute in the ENTIRE house now, and not just the main living areas. Jeff's argument is: The wood floors will require him to do some demo of a built-in in the office, as well as ripping up the carpet and prepping the floors. Fairly big job but not a huge deal, in my opinion. And I would totally help. His other argument is how streamlined and sweet it would look in the family room to have the TV mounted on the wall.
So I totally want a TV too, but I think we should wait on that one. Tell me what you think!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
I am obviously super excited. But also won't have internet for a little while. So please don't forget about me. I will be back, I promise. In the meantime, read my sister's blog. :) (Do you think I've plugged her blog enough yet?)
Monday, September 04, 2006
Polka Dots and Posies! And Random Thoughts...
She's going to be fun to read for me, because I know exactly the type of stuff she's going to write about (BEING A MOM! MAKEUP! BABIES! GETTING PREGNANT! HOME DESIGN! CLOTHES! AND MORE!). You should totally go check her out (Polka Dots and Posies), because that's exactly the type of stuff you all write about too! Which is why I read your blogs, of course.
Ummm, so my child is not sleeping. I have put him down for a nap THREE TIMES and he sleeps for like 5 minutes, then wakes up, and will not go back to sleep. ARG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Per Your Request
I guess I'll have to try and make up for it by posting 3. Here you go!
His face is so cute here!
Trying to whistle?

This was our first family photo!
Monday, August 28, 2006
Work in progress

Oh yes, much better. Restoration Hardware paint color: "Linen". The floors are no longer the hideous POOP brown carpet, they are even more hideous linoleum. 30 year old linoleum. That likes to flake. Hideous flakey 30-year linoleum will be gone in a couple weeks once Home Depot gets off their butt and installs our glorious new carpet.
Now on to the Formal Living Room:

I like to call this room the "Far and Away" room. Did you ever see that movie? With Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise, about leaving Ireland and moving to the U.S. to get land? Takes place around the mid 1800's I think, and the decor in this room, I swear, must have been taken directly from the set. Seriously, note the chandelier in the corner. Over the baby poop colored (I am an expert in that color, by the way) love seat.
And now:

I would dearly love to redo the emerald city green tile, but it will have to do for now. We're having the floors refinished Tuesday. Restoration Hardware paint color: Latte.
Dining Room:

I'm not even going to comment on the wallpaper. Or the lace curtains.
Jeff wants to get this chandelier. I like that one a lot, but I also like this one. What do you think?
Anyway, that's our house in progress. I hope you like what we've done so far. I can't wait to show you the finished product!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
New house, new baby...Agh!!!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Friday, August 04, 2006
Mucous plug
Today, I am 9 days overdue. I never thought that I'd actually wish for severe pain like I am right now. I want to have contractions that actually hurt, even so bad that they make me want to scream, because they are actually accomplishing something like, OH, I don't know, getting this baby the HECK OUT OF ME?!?
Monday, July 31, 2006
Funny baby shower game

This was the funniest baby shower game I've ever heard of! My sisters passed out pink bubbalicious bubble gum (unchewed of course), and gave everyone five minutes to mold a baby out of it. Then I had to pick the best one. SO funny!! The babies were hilarious looking.
On a sidenote, I had a Non-Stress Test today because I am about a week overdue. Everything with the baby is great, BUT, my cervix is not softening or anything. NOT A BUDGE. So frustrating! So they scheduled an induction for next Tuesday at 6 am. The day before I have to go in and have this weird catheter thing inserted to soften my cervix. Strange. Anyway, SAY PRAYERS THIS BABY COMES BEFORE THEN!! I don't think I can handle another full week of being pregnant, and I hear induced labors are longer than natural ones.
Friday, July 28, 2006
No Baby Yet...

Sorry for not posting, and making you all think that I might have had the baby. NO BABY YET!! My sister was in town for my baby shower and so I've been pretty busy.
I have to tell you how BEAUTIFUL my shower was! My two sisters and mom planned it, and it was just gorgeous. They decorated everything in green and chocolate brown, because depending on the baby's gender, I'm going to decorate the nursery in pink and brown w/accents of green or blue and brown w/accents of green.
I had lots of good friends and family there, and the food was SOOO yummy. If I could figure out how to log onto my flickr account, I'd upload all the pics for you. Unfortunately, just this one will have to do for now. Tomorrow I'll post another one. :(
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Okay, I feel a little bit better. It probably wouldn't be so hard if it wasn't 812 degrees outside. Or if I at least had a fan on my hot and swollen red feet.
Sooo...would you like to look at a funny picture to pass the time with me?
This is my 61 year old dad. In order for this picture to reach maximum funniness, you must know my father. He is a self-employed structural engineer. You will never find him with out a pen, pencil, miniature measuring tape, and swiss army knife in his pocket. He goes to church every Sunday, NO FAIL, and knows more about the Bible than...Billy Graham. He is an endless source of knowledge, on topics that range from soil mineral contents to the date Custer's last stand took place. He wears plaid button down shirts and the same style of jeans everyday. He plays the piano and loves trains and reads Guns and Ammo and Military Heritage magazines. The only channel he ever watches is Fox News, and he listens to Rush Limbaugh religiously. His favorite Rush Limbaugh quote is "It's eleven o'clock, time for welfare recipients to...WAKE UP!". He loves his family like no other, loves kitties like no other, and every person on the planet that has ever met him just thinks he is the sweetest, nicest man EVER. He also can't throw anything away, which is a funny post all of its own.
So this picture? Is HILARIOUS! It is the absolute ANTITHESIS of my dad, and everything he stands for.
(Background info on this photo: He was going to a St Pattie's day party, and bought a new green shirt and green Guinness boxers to wear [the fact that his boxers say Guinness on them is funny in and of itself, as I don't think I've ever seen my dad have anything to drink other than a glass of wine at my wedding], and he really wanted his boxers to show. So my mother and I talked him into sagging his pants like all the high school boys do. The facial expression was his idea. Apparently, it's the interpretation of the intelligence level of guys who sag their pants. I have to admit, I kind of agree).
Sunday, July 16, 2006
I'm just really thankful that we're able to give Sweetie Pie a good home, with its own bedroom and its own place to just roam around. YAY! I'll post more pictures of the house later...
Monday, July 10, 2006
Good news and bad news...
So I finally had the ultrasound appointment today, and the baby is JUST FINE! They said he/she weighs 6 pounds and 13 ounces right now, and the due date could be anywhere from 7/25 (the date determined from my last menstrual period) to 8/3 (what the u/s measurements said). The tech said that it is not an exact science AT ALL, so it really could be anywhere between those two dates. So I don't technically have a due date. Has anyone else had this same problem with their babies? An ever-changing, elusive due date?? I feel like I'm being strung along, I feel so in the dark about when this baby is going to join the outside world! (On a side note, its movements seem SO strong today. It's actually hurt me for the first time with its head. But I wonder if that's all mental because I know how big the baby is now...)
And now the bad: Something really horrible happened today. I just found one of my parent's cats dead under one of their cars. They're out of town for a couple weeks, and I noticed that one of the outside cats wasn't coming around. So when my sister was here (she went to the ultrasound with me), I asked her to check under the cars because I can't really get that low. She said she saw Britches (his name) and started to call him, then looked closer and saw that he was dead. He was pretty old for an outside kitty, 16, so he has had a good life, but I am just incredibly sad right now. My uncle came over, and while he was here, I asked him to bury Britches by an apple tree in the backyard where several cats from years past are buried. Apparently he had been there for several days, and I feel like an awful cat-sitter because it took me so long to find him. Well, at least I know he had a good life. He probably just felt a little tired one afternoon and decided to go lay down in the shade, fell asleep, and just never woke up....
Monday, July 03, 2006
36 weeks

Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I'm making headway, I swear!!

Taking apart all the baby furniture people lent us that had been sitting in their garages and basements, in an effort to clean it (hence the naked swing in the picture).
Cramming all the stuff that was occupying 2 closets in the room into just 1 so the baby could have its own closet (hence the one really clean closet, and the one really messy one).
Washing the baby clothes (hence the laundry basket).
And lastly, doing all of this while trying to keep my shedding and annoyingly curious cats from messing up all my cleanliness with their masses of hair and vicious claws (hence the pillows stuffed in the bassinette to keep their dirty paws OUT!).
But inall seriousness, I have absolutely NO idea how I ever had the time to work. I've been off work for 2 1/2 weeks now, and I have been so busy!! I'm finally able to start catching up on ALL the stuff that has desperately needed my attention for a while now (Consistent blogging unfortunately not included! Will get to that soon, I swear!). Besides the previously discussed baby room, I've been able to do things like house cleaning (I never could get caught up on that), laundry (was ALWAYS last minute with WAY too many clothes in one load, it's a wonder they even got clean), and even... *gasp*... Cooking breakfast! For husband! Because I'm not running out the door to work! And we even get to read the newspaper! Together every morning! With Jeff not going in to work until noon, I can even do all that without having to get up early. We are so lucky to have a really nice morning together every day, it's honestly my favorite time of the day.
Yes, I know I've been spoiled to have all this time before the baby comes, many of you super-moms out there didn't get time till the baby was actually born. Reading all your blogs and seeing what you all went through before your little ones were born, I'm reminded to really appreciate this one month I have left of having my own time to do with as I please. I know, soon times like that will be nonexistent and only a fond memory!!
Monday, June 05, 2006
Update at 33 weeks

So anyway, according to some website I registered at that sends me emails every week, my baby is about 15 and 3/4 inches long, and weighs approximately 4 pounds, 5 ounces right now. I am only 3 weeks from being "full term", which supposedly is at 36 weeks. Yowza! So that means in a few weeks, I could really go into labor at any time! If I think about that for too long, it kinda freaks me out. Actually it REALLY freaks me out. I am SO not ready. I have nothing for the baby, and my shower isn't until July 25th...3 days before my due date! Plus, I am in the process of house-hunting, so things are going to be super crazy until we find a house.
Fortunately though, this week is my last full-time week at work. I'm lucky enough that I get to work on a project by project basis w/the company, which is a sweet deal (not super-lucrative, but at least it's something). So with a month and a half virtually free, hopefully I will be able to get ready for baby, and-- if we're lucky--find a house, pretty quickly.
Welp, I hope everyone is doing well, and sorry I've been so MIA!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
At Long Last...

Okay, I know I've been's just too crazy sometimes, ya know? As you can see, here's a belly pic. This is Jeff and I almost 2 weeks ago. I surprised him at work on a Sunday night and took him to a hotel in Yountville (Napa Valley). I took this picture at the hotel right before we left for dinner. (I'm retarded with the flash, but don't know how to turn it off, so I'm a faceless pregnant girl).
Change of subject: I am SO excited! Jeff has FINALLY gotten onto a new shift at work! So now instead of him working all weekend, he works during the week!! So now we actually have not just one day together a week, but TWO (and sometimes even three if I don't have to work on Friday, which sometimes happens). His first weekend off is this weekend, and I can't wait to just chill with him. We're probably gonna go to the gym together, then bring our swimsuits and hang out at the pool. YAY! I can't even tell you the last time I had a whole day with him....
Thursday, April 06, 2006
1) Yesterday, Jeff and I got these really good tickets to the A's vs. Yankees game (front row, right behind first base). It was really fun. Anyway, so the person doing the opening pitch was an 8 year old boy who won a raffle. Nothing special about him, he wasn't dying of leukemia or anything, just a normal, cute little 8 year old wearing a baseball hat too big for him. But as soon as I saw him, I couldn't keep from crying. For WHATEVER REASON, tears started streaming down my face. I guess I just thought he was SO cute. Good thing we were in the front row and no one could see my face. Except Derek Jeter, of course. :) But wait, it doesn't end there. So today, Jeff and I were laughing about me and my emotional attachment to the 8 year old boy, I started crying AGAIN!
2) I'm having bad dreams like Jeff having secret credit cards with which he buys porn (?!) and then puts us into bankruptcy because he never pays them off.... So I have to wake him up out of a dead sleep, and make him talk sense into me.
3) Jeff heard somewhere that the song "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt is about a guy whose wife died and he just can't get over it. I don't think it's true, but apparently, that wasn't enough to keep me from crying when I heard the song the other day in the grocery store as I was buying cat food. I think the cashier lady felt really bad for me.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
To All The Mommies and Mommies To Be
Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby
Somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, "Normal," is history.
Somebody said you learn how to be a mother by instinct.
Somebody never took a three-year-old shopping.
Somebody said being a mother is boring ......
Somebody never rode in a car driven by a teenager with a driver's permit.
Somebody said if you're a "good" mother, your child will "! turn out good."
Somebody thinks a child comes with directions and a guarantee.Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices .
Somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.
Somebody said you don't need an education to be a mother.
Somebody never helped a fourth grader with her math.
Somebody said you can't love the fifth child as much as you love the first.
Somebody doesn't have five children.
Somebody said a mother can find all the answers to her child-rearing questions in the books.
Somebody never had a child stuff playdoh up his nose.
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery.
Somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten...or on a plane headed for military "boot camp."
Somebody said a mother can do her job with her eyes closed and one hand tied behind her back.
Somebody never organized four giggling Brownies to sell cookies.
Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married.
Somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heartstrings.
Somebody said a mother's job is done when her last child leaves home.
Somebody never had grandchildren.
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her
Somebody isn't a mother.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
The One Where I Get All Sappy and Stuff

Do you ever feel like you want to shout your love for someone from the rooftops?
I've been feeling that way about Husby lately. I don't really know why, and I in no way mean to brag on here about how great he is, I just feel like giving him a shout-out for being such a wonderful husband.
I guess I feel bad because I'm not always as appreciative of him and all he does for me as much as I should be. Sometimes I let all the crap that goes on crowd out all the good that goes on. Not that there's a lot of crap, but let's face it, every marriage has their share of stuff that you couldn't have possibly prepared for when you were dating. The good thing about all the crap though, is how much you learn about each other--and yourselves--in the process. It really does make your marriage strong, and it creates a sense of a true "partnership".

I don't really know where to begin. Maybe I'll just make a list of some of the things I love about him.
1) I love that he calls me Preg-Pig, Pig, Haggy, The Hag, Bunny-Hop, etc.
2) I love that he's a cop, because cops are sexy, and I feel safe with him.
3) I love that he shares the same dreams that I do: To own a house and have little babies.
4) I love that he wanted to buy me a car that's nicer than his--and did.
5) I love that he kisses me goodbye at 5 am on the mornings he works, and tells me I'm beautiful, even though I'm all bed-head and sleepy-eyed.
6) I love that he doesn't get mad at me when I buy something I shouldn't have.
7) I love to chase him around the house.
8) I love when he told me, "No matter how old our kids are, boys or girls or both, they won't be allowed to leave the house until they've given me a hug goodbye. Even if we have a son and he's just home visiting from college. I won't let him leave without a hug."
9) I love that he has a strong need to support me, make sure I'm taken care of, and have all the things that I not only need, but want, too.
10) I love that he likes to lay in bed with me and watch Law and Order every night.
11) I love that he will watch A Baby Story on TLC with me.

12) I love that I got him hooked on coffee.
13) I love that he has a funny nickname for almost every person I know.
14) I love when he makes up words.
15) I love when he motivates me to go to the gym with him, even when I don't feel like it.
16) I love that other people like him--a lot.
17) I love that he is very respected at his job, and is told frequently that he'll go very far because of how dedicated he is.
18) I love that he when he met my ex-boyfriend, he shook his hand, looked at him in the eye, and was friendly.
19) I love when he scratches me or massages me without my asking.
20) I love that he's a big goofball with me.
21) I love when he says, "I can't wait for Sweetie Pie to be born, so I can hang out and just play with him/her."
22) I love when he surprises me by coming to my work just to say hi.
23) I love that he has an awesome singing voice but is modest about it.
24) I love that he wrote me song and played it for me on his guitar.
25) I love that he loves our kitties.
I could go on, but I won't. I'll just tell you all, that I am seriously, the luckiest girl in the universe!!

Monday, March 20, 2006
I think I live in the only house on planet earth that has NO Peanut Butter.
Yes, I said "no" and "peanut butter" in the same sentence.
There is no peanut butter in any mild form whatsoever, in any semblance of existence in this household.
Have you caught my drift yet?
I want a peanut butter fluff sandwich, and I want it now, Darnit.
And no, this crazy lady is not going to the store. Any other evening, I would happily run to the store or at least send Jeff. However this evening is special, because I am lazy and Jeff is working overtime.
I'm settling for strawberry rhubarb and butter on toast and some Smart Start cereal for dinner instead. Yeah, I know, how unhealthy. But I almost dipped a Reese's Peanut Butter cup in some marshmallow fluff, but stopped myself. So don't press your luck.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Failed to Launch
Jeff and I went to see Failure to Launch last night, and I have to say it was thoroughly disappointing. The only fun I had was seeing Sarah Jessica Parker's cute outfits. I honestly think I could have done a better job with the writing myself, and the acting was pretty bad. Matthew needs a new agent, or at least some help in picking out scripts. This one was frighteningly similar to How To Lose A Guy In Ten Days, with the lying, the token 2 guy friends, etc. Now How to Lose a Guy...THAT was a good movie. Kate Hudson and Matt had incredible chemistry (I have to ask SJP, how is it possible to not have chemistry with MATTHEW MCCAUGHNAHEY???).
Anyway, hope I didn't burst anyone's bubble... I just had to share my disappointment.
I'm going wedding dress shopping with my BFF from highschool tomorrow. I'm so excited! It's going to be WEIRD seeing her in a wedding dress. It's probably going to be just as weird for her too see me with a baby in my belly, as I haven't seen her since last summer. Anyway, I'm writing about this because she most likely has already picked out our bridesmaids dresses, and I'm thrilled because they're from JCREW (where was JCREW when I got married??) and less than $100. Here's a picture:
Isn't it cute?? The wedding is outside on 10/1/06 and I'm SO hoping that I'll have lost the baby weight by then. But still have big boobs and a great tan! Oh, and apparently, the shoes are really cute flip flops. I love this! It's like what I'd wear to the wedding anyway! There's nothing worse than being stuck with having to pay like $400 for shoes and a dress you'll never wear again.
So HAPPY SAINT PATTIES DAY, everyone! Will one of you non-preggies please chug a green beer for me?
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Baby names
Here's what we've decided on (To get the full effect, you might want to know that our last name starts with an S and is 2 syllables. So make up your own, like Selton or something, and say it after the name):
Boy name:
Coleman Rowe S...
Coleman is my dad and grandpa's middle name, and I like Cole for short.
Rowe is Husby's grandpa's last name, with whom he was very close.
Girl name:
Addison Rowe S...
Addison just sounds cool.
These are pretty much decided on. It's weird to know that there is a little Cole or Addy just chillin' in my office with me right now...
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Ultrasound Follow up
The first 10 minutes of the U/S were pretty stressful. The technician was searching and searching, still to avail no baby tummy. So he decided to measure my amniotic fluid first then go back to stomach-searching. It measured fine, which suggested there must be a stomach somewhere in there. So he went back to searching, and after a couple minutes, he practically shouted, "Aha! There it is! That's the stomach!" And proceeded to take like 8 pictures of it. If you ever want a picture of a 19 week old fetus' stomach, please call me, I have a few on hand.
So we are thrilled. And so unbelievably relieved. It was a LONG 8 days. But during the course of those 8 days I received many encouraging stories and lots of prayer, which was so great.
We found out that our baby is super-active (I already knew that from the 30+ times a day I feel some sort of jab/roll/kick) and likes to hang out straight up and down. It's head is to the right of my bellybutton, and its butt is several inches directly below. And it was really weird, we saw it "climb" backwards into a different area of the womb during the ultrasound. Like it was hiding from us or something! Such a funny little baby. I can't wait to officially meet him/her.
Oh, and stay tuned, I'll post our boy and girl name selections next post!
Friday, March 03, 2006
New Position
Okay, that was my lunch break. Now I have to go shove a sandwich down my throat while I type 11 emails.
Thursday, March 02, 2006
One quick update:
We had an 18 week ultrasound this Monday, and the tech couldn't find the baby's stomach, which means it wasn't full, which means Sweetie Pie wasn't swallowing. We went back 2 more times that same day, and the tech still couldn't find it, and that is not normal. Everything else is perfectly normal, though, so we're going back next Tuesday for a follow up to see if we can find the stomach. If not, I don't know what's going to happen, probably a million tests, etc... So if any of you are the praying type, please keep my little one in your prayers! It's all I can do to not freak out at this point. Tuesday is a long way away!
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
How the conversation should have gone, had I any sense of "how to not make a fool of myself":
Amy: You know, that Y2K stuff is a bunch of BS.
Sandy: Totally. I mean, just because it's turning to the Year Two Thousand doesn't mean we're all going to die.
Me: Oh, yeah, I know. Totally. Like, I didn't buy any bottled water or anything.
How it really went:
Amy: You know, that Y2K stuff is a bunch of BS.
Sandy: Totally. I mean, just because it's turning to the Year Two Thousand doesn't mean we're all going to die.
Me: OH MY GOSH. Did you guys know that the name of the computer virus, Y2K, also stands for the Year Two Thousand?? That is so cool!
Them: Stared at me for a long, long time, wondering how it was that I had a better high school GPA than they.
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
That's all I'm writing today because I am freaking sick and freaking tired.
Oh, and freaking pregnant. Everything bad is always worse when you're pregnant on top of it.
Thursday, January 26, 2006
This was not always true. There were many times when I felt like I was destined to be The Weird Sister. First, they were both living in LA. I was in San Francisco. Then they both got married. I was going through 3 boyfriends about every 4 weeks. Then they started having babies. The only thing close to me having babies was “Spydie”, my hanging Spider Plant. Then they both bought houses, and all they ever talked about was designing or landscaping them. I couldn't even afford to wash my sheets, let alone wonder whether sateen or Egyptian cotton was best. They just kept growing up and getting all mature, and I kept resisting, because, seriously, WHO CARES WHETHER YOU PLANT A BOUGAINVILLEA OR A CRATE MYRTLE TREE? Gah.
I proceeded on, determined to be Totally Unique, absolutely positive that getting married and having kids would like, seriously, never be me. I dated a baseball player, a musician, an aspiring actor. I tried to be a poet for like 3 weeks. I thought about being a personal trainer for 5 minutes. I even seriously considered going to design school after I'd already spent like 8 million dollars on my college education.
Then. I met Jeff. And subsequently, gave in to being...ME. I started watching HGTV and Law and Order. I stopped spending entire paychecks on something because it had a recognized label on it. I stopped caring about which band was playing at the Viper Room that week. And a Bougainvilla would totally be better there, Sandy, because it's a vine, not a tree. Duh.
I'm in a place I never imagined would suit me. But it does, it fits me better than anything else I tried. It was like I was forcing Jimmy Choo's on my designed-for-flip-flops feet. I'm more excited about what diaper bag I carry than knowing whoever the hell that Kanye West guy is.
BUT. I have my limits. There is ONE THING my sisters do that I SWEAR ON HOLY HEAVEN I will not start doing.
Oh, what, for the love of Mary, is so fun about using squiggle scissors to cut out a picture, and whathehell is a sizzix?
My sisters love to scrapbook so much that once they went up to our family’s lake house and spent the entire time inside. They even forgot to eat a couple meals because they were so into it. The thought of being stuck at a dining room table for days, putting PALM TREE STICKERS next to pictures of my trip to Mexico, is about as thrilling as…I can’t even think of something so awful.
And they’re so disappointed in me. After all, I’ve come so far, with the whole getting married and pregnant thing. I even went from borrowing 8 bucks so my checking account won’t be in the red to balancing my checkbook in an excel spreadsheet linked to my budget. They just assumed that scrapbooking would be the next logical step for me.
I'm so insistent that I will NEVER start that forsaken hobby, but they just do things like pat my shoulder and said “You’re totally going to want to scrapbook your wedding.” Uhhh… 15 months later, I have managed to get all my pictures IN A FREAKING ALBUM and that just about sent me to a psychiatrist begging for Geodon.
Now they’re saying, “Just wait till you have your baby. You’ll totally want to create a special album for them to look back on when they’re older.”
To which I say, just to piss them off, “Nooooo, I find nothing wrong with the way Mom did it. You know, throw all the pictures into a file box in no chronological order whatsoever. That way we won’t be able to tell the difference between any of the baby pictures. You know, Amy, like that baby picture you submitted to the yearbook’s ‘Guess Who’ section that really ended up being a picture of me?”
Any hobby where I have to purchase crap from a store with a name like “Once Upon A Memory”, where paper costs like $1.75 a sheet is, like, so not me.
*I have to say, this is not meant in any way to bash scrapbookers. I do not think you all are wackjobs for enjoying that hobby. In fact, I admire your patience, attention to detail and ability to sit down and focus for 5 hours straight without so much as a potty break.
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
I'm sorry, can you repeat that?
I was reading about month 4, and lo and behold, what I thought was my immune system kicking some weird germ's ass, was instead, a pregnancy symptom. Ears getting plugged up is a symptom of pregnancy. And my nose bleeds aren't because the heater is drying my nasal cavities out like I previously thought. That's actually a symptom too. And that weird metallic taste in my mouth? And my eyesight getting those floaty things? All symptoms. So. Weird. Which one of my 5 senses is left? Touch? So what does that mean? My hand's going to start feeling like it got slammed in a car door or something? Geez!
It's just so strange to see all these changes occuring that I'd never thought about. When I put that pillow under my shirt when I was 10 to see what I'd look like pregnant, I should have put plugs in my ears, foil in my mouth, had someone punch me in the nose to make it bleed, and stared at the sun for a few minutes first just to make it authentic.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
So Ironic...
I'm talking about my social life.
I moved back here, to the city I grew up in, a year and a half ago for a new job and to get married. I left all of my friends in Southern California. Aside from my sister, I have survived on One Friend this past 19 months. Until, like, 1 week ago.
In this past week, I have had 5 invitations out to either lunch or dinner. Monday, my friend from college called me to let me know her sister moved to my area. So I met her sister for lunch Wednesday. That same day, I got a call from a friend who lives a couple hours away, asking me to call back and schedule a night we could meet half way for dinner. Last Friday evening, my husband's best friend's fiance asked me to go wedding dress shopping and out to dinner with her. An old friend from high school asked me to meet her for lunch yesterday. Then my oldest friend (since 3rd grade) called to let me know she's in town next month and asked if I could go to dinner. So AT LAST, I am getting more friends, and am finally. going. to. have. a. social. life.
What makes this so ironic? The fact that I'm getting this great, well-rounded, exciting social life 6 months before I have a child and end up having nearly NO TIME for lunch and dinner dates. And the only one with children is the one who lives 2 hours from me. So most likely the social life that I'll be spending the next 6 months cultivating and nurturing will DISINTEGRATE. Into the vast nothingness it was two weeks ago. And to top it off, the Trivia Night at the brewery that husby and I have so much fun going to (with The Only Friend) on Tuesday nights? That will also be no longer, because there is NO WAY I am going to have someone babysit my brand new little baby just so I can go drink beer and play trivia. So in fact, my social life will actually be LESS than the vast nothingness. It will be a VAST WASTELAND of NOTHINGNESS....
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
So last night we went to trivia again. We got 4th place out of 15. Yeah, we pretty much rocked. Except for me. I didn't rock, because I didn't contribute much. Because I was eating. Make that stuffing my face. The entire time.
It started with the blue cheese garlic chips. (The blue cheese was pasteurized, so don't worry.) They were for everyone, but I ended up eating most of them. I think my snorting like a pig as I ate intimidated them and they didn't want to interfere, in case I might eat one of their fingers or something.
Then I ordered a salmon caesar salad (Trying to make up for the greasy chips. And their dressing is not made with raw eggs, so again, don't worry). When I ordered, the waitress asked me if I wanted the large or small salad. Without even a second's hesitation, I said "Large."
Our food came, and I ate the entire large salad. And then proceeded to eat half of Husby's fries. And then one of my friend's chicken wings. And a couple bites of my friend's Turkey burger. My sprite was refilled like 48 times. I don't even like Sprite.
The kicker was when I made Husby and BFF Robin go with me to Krispy Kreme afterwards. The nearest Krispy Kreme is 15 minutes away, by freeway.
So today? Not much of a surprise that it's 11 am and I'm not even hungry yet. I know I should eat, but my stomach is still full of all of last night's grease. With a little "Original glazed" drizzled in. Ugh. I think I'll eat oatmeal for lunch. Isn't that supposed to help with my cholesterol level that I just raised, like, a million points last night?
*I have to say, I've recently realized one my favorite things about being pregnant is that my husband actually shares his food with me now. Do you remember that episode of Friends, where Joey goes on a date with this girl and freaks out when she takes a bite of his food? Well that used to be Husby. What is it with guys and their food?? But since I've been pregnant, every time I go to take a bite of his food, he willingly shares. He even offers me a second bite. And if I don't ask for a bite in the first place, he'll say, "Did you get enough food? Do you want some of mine? Here, please. Have some." (Sing the following to the tune of "The Twilight Zone") Doo doo doo doo, Doo doo doo doo...
Friday, January 13, 2006
Yay for Flickr!!
Since I have an intoxicatingly exciting Friday night planned (the Mom and I will probably order pizza then watch CSI on Spike TV from 7-9 and then I'll lay around the house being lazy until midnight) I will add a few more recent photos (nerdy pj picture, anyone? Belly picture, anyone?) to it my fun new little toy named Flickr.
Can I just take a moment to reflect? Only 3 months ago or so, I had no idea what a blog was. I couldn't upload a picture from my camera to the computer (let alone from my computer to the internet) to save my life. The only website I regularly visited was for banking. Now look at me. I'm changing my website template. I'm downloading programs and pictures to make my blog more exciting. I have a brand new digital camera and video camera that I actually know how to use. Ya know what? I am thankful...*snif*... to all my 5 readers...*snif*...who have all made this journey worth it. Thank you, thank you all.
Okay, reflection over.
Sunday, January 08, 2006
So I'm having a problem with the ultrasound picture, so when I have a moment to myself I'll take a picture of the picture. Also, I'll go work on the belly picture later tonight. I say tonight because at night I look more pregnant than in the day, plus I'll be all gussied up because I'm going to a belated Christmas dinner for work. I am so excited, but very bummed out that I can't have a glass of wine with dinner. All for a good cause though, so I know it's worth it!
Okay, I forgot to post that one, and I also forgot to take the gussied up belly picture. I guess tonight, when I'll surely be looking like crap will have to do. But now that I've seen Angelina's pregnant pictures, I am afraid to post one of me, for I will be far more pale in comparison. Sometimes I hate beautiful famous people.
Okay, I haven't had the opportunity to mention this, but I GOT A NEW CAR!!! FINALLY!!!!
After months of deliberating, we finally decided on this beautiful Nissan Murano in Platinum with Black leather interior. We even splurged on the Touring package. It is SO BEAUTIFUL! I love to sit in it and play with the in-dash computer. Yeah, I said in-dash computer. That. comes. standard. And the seat warmers. And the HID lights that go up and down. And the 6 cd bose system. And the camera that shows what's behind me when I'm reversing. And the...okay, I'll stop.
Before you think to yourself "Why would she buy a car like that if she's trying to buy a house?", please take note of what I drove before: a 1989 maroon Honda Civic. Oxidized maroon. 198,000 miles. Driving it was like driving a skateboard. It is so ugly, someone threw a pumpkin at it on Halloween. And we also have a close family member who works for the company and got us a very splenderific discount, so that didn't hurt either.
Now, I'm a firm believer in the fact that no one truly "deserves" anything. We get whatever we work for. (Please don't get me started on welfare...) However, I came as close to "deserving" a new car as you can. I may sound spoiled here, but I was driving a poor college kid's car 4 years post-college.
Plus our little Sweetie-Pie will need something big and safe to ride around in... and to throw soggy cheerios all over.
Friday, January 06, 2006
Mama wants a brand new house
So every day I've been on the site to register both Husby and I, and I've decided that I'm going to win this year. All the past years I've entered I (obviously) never won, but I have a special feeling about it this time. I've never won anything before, and I feel like eventually, my time has to come. So why not come now? Wish me luck!!
PS-Belly and U/S pics are on their way, promise...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
I love nice nurses.
So at the appointment, the nurse discussed with me all the test results from when they took like 800 viles of blood from me 3 weeks ago. I am happy to announce that I do not have HIV, Syphilis or the other STD they tested for. I also have rockin' red blood cells and do not carry the gene for CF. Boo ya.
Unfortunately, I leave a little lacking in the iron area. As in, I'm borderline anemic. But really, no bigger here either. I always knew I had low iron because whenever I've donated blood they always have to run 2 tests to check my levels. Now I just have to take a low dose "slow iron" supplement. Just one more thing to remember.
The truly, truly good news came when the nurse said I am out of the "miscarriage zone". I am SOOO thrilled! YES! I can now sleep peacefully, and not have the fear of telling anyone I'm pregnant then having to come back a day later and say, "Psych."
So what was so great about this nurse? Well, same thing that makes anyone great: they butter me up and flatter me with compliments! (kidding, really, you don't have to do that to make me like you...but hey, we can all agree, a little compliment never hurt anyone!) As we were looking at Sweetie Pie on the monitor (I swear, the baby grew like a million...millimeters or something. It was huge. And swimming. Like water ballet swimming. I am so excited that I'll never have to fuss with teaching it how to swim some day...), she said "You have a beautiful uterus." Wow. I never thought I would appreciate a comment like that so much. I wasn't sure if I should say thanks though, cause it's not like I had anything to do with it. So instead I said, "Oh, good! I've always hoped I had a good one!"
The other great thing about this nurse is that she printed off like 15 pictures. I could practically fill up a Sweetie Pie photo album. There's one with the baby waving at us (I swear), one with it's back to us, front to us, name it. And you know what I'm going to do with them all? Put them in my purse, and make every person I know have to look at them all. Because Sweetie Pie is the cutest little fetus you ever did see. I swear, I fell truly in love with it today. Once I saw it moving, it became real to me. I seriously thought in my head, "That is the cutest baby I have ever seen." And it's just a black and white blobby thing! How insane is that? But it's true! I'll even try to figure out my mom's scanner, and I'll put a picture on here so you can all see the cutest blobby baby for yourself. And if you're all real good, I'll post a belly pic. But only if you're good!