Taking apart all the baby furniture people lent us that had been sitting in their garages and basements, in an effort to clean it (hence the naked swing in the picture).
Cramming all the stuff that was occupying 2 closets in the room into just 1 so the baby could have its own closet (hence the one really clean closet, and the one really messy one).
Washing the baby clothes (hence the laundry basket).
And lastly, doing all of this while trying to keep my shedding and annoyingly curious cats from messing up all my cleanliness with their masses of hair and vicious claws (hence the pillows stuffed in the bassinette to keep their dirty paws OUT!).
But inall seriousness, I have absolutely NO idea how I ever had the time to work. I've been off work for 2 1/2 weeks now, and I have been so busy!! I'm finally able to start catching up on ALL the stuff that has desperately needed my attention for a while now (Consistent blogging unfortunately not included! Will get to that soon, I swear!). Besides the previously discussed baby room, I've been able to do things like house cleaning (I never could get caught up on that), laundry (was ALWAYS last minute with WAY too many clothes in one load, it's a wonder they even got clean), and even... *gasp*... Cooking breakfast! For husband! Because I'm not running out the door to work! And we even get to read the newspaper! Together every morning! With Jeff not going in to work until noon, I can even do all that without having to get up early. We are so lucky to have a really nice morning together every day, it's honestly my favorite time of the day.
Yes, I know I've been spoiled to have all this time before the baby comes, many of you super-moms out there didn't get time till the baby was actually born. Reading all your blogs and seeing what you all went through before your little ones were born, I'm reminded to really appreciate this one month I have left of having my own time to do with as I please. I know, soon times like that will be nonexistent and only a fond memory!!
I'm sure the room will be all finished and will look great in no time. :)
Glad you get to spend time with hubby each day before he goes to work.
Wow, less than a month before baby is due!
I don't think it makes much difference how much time you have off before the baby comes. I had a week before my girl came and I still didn't get everything I wanted accomplished. It all gets done in time. Make sure to post nursery pics when you get it all in place.
Wow, that sounds so nice. You're a lucky girl!
You know I thought when I read this? In just a short time you're gonna have a baby and love it. Since having my baby I "get" why people love being Moms. It's amazing.
I can't wait until you have your sweet baby and you're gushing all over the internet.
Yay! An update! I was starting to feel like an ugly step-child. :-)
Kidding, I know you are busy. You are so right to be thankful for this time that you have. Enjoy it to the fullest b/c once that baby comes, times like these will be few and far in between.
But that really won't matter b/c you will have a BABY! I can't wait to see what a gorgeous baby you and your husband have made.
Just promise to update more as the final days come. Tell us how you are feeling emotionally and physically. I say that b/c it will be fun to go back and read after you have the baby. Promise.
You're getting so close! It's gone so fast!! You will still have some time to yourself with a newborn, don't worry too much (says the girl who got up the day after coming home from the hospital and washed every single item of clothing in the nursery because I was convinced I'd never have a chance again). Especially if your parents are helping.
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