Do you ever feel like you want to shout your love for someone from the rooftops?
I've been feeling that way about Husby lately. I don't really know why, and I in no way mean to brag on here about how great he is, I just feel like giving him a shout-out for being such a wonderful husband.
I guess I feel bad because I'm not always as appreciative of him and all he does for me as much as I should be. Sometimes I let all the crap that goes on crowd out all the good that goes on. Not that there's a lot of crap, but let's face it, every marriage has their share of stuff that you couldn't have possibly prepared for when you were dating. The good thing about all the crap though, is how much you learn about each other--and yourselves--in the process. It really does make your marriage strong, and it creates a sense of a true "partnership".

I don't really know where to begin. Maybe I'll just make a list of some of the things I love about him.
1) I love that he calls me Preg-Pig, Pig, Haggy, The Hag, Bunny-Hop, etc.
2) I love that he's a cop, because cops are sexy, and I feel safe with him.
3) I love that he shares the same dreams that I do: To own a house and have little babies.
4) I love that he wanted to buy me a car that's nicer than his--and did.
5) I love that he kisses me goodbye at 5 am on the mornings he works, and tells me I'm beautiful, even though I'm all bed-head and sleepy-eyed.
6) I love that he doesn't get mad at me when I buy something I shouldn't have.
7) I love to chase him around the house.
8) I love when he told me, "No matter how old our kids are, boys or girls or both, they won't be allowed to leave the house until they've given me a hug goodbye. Even if we have a son and he's just home visiting from college. I won't let him leave without a hug."
9) I love that he has a strong need to support me, make sure I'm taken care of, and have all the things that I not only need, but want, too.
10) I love that he likes to lay in bed with me and watch Law and Order every night.
11) I love that he will watch A Baby Story on TLC with me.

12) I love that I got him hooked on coffee.
13) I love that he has a funny nickname for almost every person I know.
14) I love when he makes up words.
15) I love when he motivates me to go to the gym with him, even when I don't feel like it.
16) I love that other people like him--a lot.
17) I love that he is very respected at his job, and is told frequently that he'll go very far because of how dedicated he is.
18) I love that he when he met my ex-boyfriend, he shook his hand, looked at him in the eye, and was friendly.
19) I love when he scratches me or massages me without my asking.
20) I love that he's a big goofball with me.
21) I love when he says, "I can't wait for Sweetie Pie to be born, so I can hang out and just play with him/her."
22) I love when he surprises me by coming to my work just to say hi.
23) I love that he has an awesome singing voice but is modest about it.
24) I love that he wrote me song and played it for me on his guitar.
25) I love that he loves our kitties.
I could go on, but I won't. I'll just tell you all, that I am seriously, the luckiest girl in the universe!!

You two are so cute it almost makes me sick. I think I've told you this before but I'll remind you again, girl, just WAIT until he becomes a Daddy. I know he's already a father, but when he becomes a Daddy you'll have about 200 more things to add to your little list. It's only going to get better.
Thanks bunny-hop! I love you baby! Please find some better pics of me please!
I love this post. It's great to be married to someone you love so much. At least I think so!!
(and the wedding picture...is too cute for words!)
awwww...you sound like a lucky girl! I feel just the same way about my hubby -- isn't it great?
Anyway, I have read your blog for a while, but not commented, just -- I don't know why, but I haven't.
I thought I would come out of hiding! Here I am!
I am sometimes a lurker as well. My husband and I are too goofy for words sometimes. It really is awesome to be married to your best friend. I just celebrated my 5 year anniversary and it continues to get better!
How cute is this post. Your wedding pic is adorable too.
It's the little things that mean so much, its weird when you realize that. I think we fall in love with a much bigger picture, but over time it's the little things, like the stuff in your list, that makes us fall so deep. Great wedding photo!
I think it's a pregnancy thing too. Don't be embarassed or ashamed to brag!! There is something about an already great husband who is facing fatherhood...it brings out all the manliness in him!! SEXY!!!
I loved this post. You sound like a very happy couple, and you are a very lucky girl.
This post is very cute. And I mean that in a good way.
Awwww, this is too sweet not to comment on. You look so happy in the wedding pic! I feel that way about my hubby too, and it's the best feeling.
I'm actually sort of teary reading this. Probably because my hubby is all the way across the world right now on a business trip and I miss him so much. It's like an ache. Reading how much you love your husband reminds me of so many things I should appreciate about mine. :)
You're so sweet!
You guys are a really great looking couple and sound like you're as happy as can be. I hope someday I feel that way about someone, too!
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