So anyway, according to some website I registered at that sends me emails every week, my baby is about 15 and 3/4 inches long, and weighs approximately 4 pounds, 5 ounces right now. I am only 3 weeks from being "full term", which supposedly is at 36 weeks. Yowza! So that means in a few weeks, I could really go into labor at any time! If I think about that for too long, it kinda freaks me out. Actually it REALLY freaks me out. I am SO not ready. I have nothing for the baby, and my shower isn't until July 25th...3 days before my due date! Plus, I am in the process of house-hunting, so things are going to be super crazy until we find a house.
Fortunately though, this week is my last full-time week at work. I'm lucky enough that I get to work on a project by project basis w/the company, which is a sweet deal (not super-lucrative, but at least it's something). So with a month and a half virtually free, hopefully I will be able to get ready for baby, and-- if we're lucky--find a house, pretty quickly.
Welp, I hope everyone is doing well, and sorry I've been so MIA!
yay! I have been looking forward to an update! you look so cute. seriously, you have the cute prego thing down pat. good luck with the house-hunting and baby-preparing. Will you two get to take a romantic weekend away or anything before baby comes?
You look fantastic! And really, that shirt isn't bad at all when paired with your ultra-cute pants.
You forgot to add one thing to your to-do list during the next month and a half... keep blogging! :) We'd love updates!
you look great and I think the shirt is cute in it's own right! Hey if it's comfortable.....then wear it.
Oh my goodness! You have got to be, by far, the cutest pregnant woman I have ever seen! I know you're probably thinking "I look like a whale" (all pregnant woman do) but seriously you are oober cute!
I can't believe your shower is 3 days before your due date! I hope you don't go into labor early!!! And I agree with everyone - even though we can't see your face in the last two photos, you are the cutest pregnant gal ever!
Awwww, you have got to have the cutest belly! The shirt does look cute with the jeans. :)
Wow on all the stuff that you have coming up, the rest of your pregnancy is going to fly now!
Thanks for the update :)
Holy shmoly! Wow. I can't belive your having a baby any day now! Congrats!
p.s. Being MIA is totally explainable... and forgiveable, right?
As always, you look adorable. Maybe I'm a dork but I was going to comment on how cute I thougth the shirt was. Old Navy has super cute maternity clothes! Good luck house hunting. Girl you make me nervous with that shower only three days from your due date. :-)
I see your belly and think of my little one. Ok..that came out weird, what I mean is...since I delivered at 34wks I look at women that are that far along totally differently now. You have a smiling, responsive, cuddly little one in there! Not too much longer.
My little Maddie was born ON her baby shower. Sometimes even having planned it out way in advance doesn't work :)
You look way cute.
You are looking great and it sounds like you're feeling great also.
I hope that since you'll be home, you'll be able to update more.
Good luck with these last 7 weeks.
Just throwing my two cents in to say you look ssoooo cute! I can only hope that I look as *perfect* as you when I get pregnant.
You must be getting close! More updates? :)
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