Thanks Jessica and Erika for pointing out that out of all those photos, not ONE of them was of my little guy! I feel like a horrible mom! Amalah never forgets a photo of Noah...
I guess I'll have to try and make up for it by posting 3. Here you go!
I guess I'll have to try and make up for it by posting 3. Here you go!
His face is so cute here!
Trying to whistle?

This was our first family photo!
He is so cute. That first family photo is just beautiful. Was that right after labor? B/c you look amazing!
he looks so, so tiny!!!!!
he is SO cute! those eyes!
He looks like you in that first one. Those are GREAT!!!!!!
Adorable. He is either trying to whistle or blowing a kiss.
I have a picture of Silly Girl making that same "whistle" face. It's one of my favorites.
And yeah, that is one of the best first family photos I have ever seen. You look super fabulous.
Ohmigod he is perfect!
I love that whistling picture! And I'm going to get on board with everyone else here and tell you that you look fabulous in the 1st family photo. (I'm being super demanding, but do we get a birth story to go with that perfect picture? What? you mean you don't answer to my beck and call? :) )
I ditto everyone else on the family photo!!
He looks like such a...little boy (and not a baby). He really is adorable (and so are you and hubby)!
I can't believe how "pretty" my baby Cole is! He looks a lot like me... I mean Shelby! 4 more days until I get to hold him...
Jessica- there is nothing to say about the labor and delivery- She made it look like it was the easiest thing ever. Nothing like mine....
Sandy (big sister)
i agree with everyone about the family pic...and the second pic is just super adorable!!!!
Ack! Too cute!!!
Honestly: one of the few babies I've seen that looks spittin ADORABLE straight outta the, know. Not all wrinkly and raisin-ee and generic - that's a face with personality (good lookin parents must have somethin to do with that :))
(and they're right, ya don't look like a lady that just popped a kid out in that picture - you're doin somethin right!!)
ADORABLE! Especially the first one. :)
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