This was the funniest baby shower game I've ever heard of! My sisters passed out pink bubbalicious bubble gum (unchewed of course), and gave everyone five minutes to mold a baby out of it. Then I had to pick the best one. SO funny!! The babies were hilarious looking.
On a sidenote, I had a Non-Stress Test today because I am about a week overdue. Everything with the baby is great, BUT, my cervix is not softening or anything. NOT A BUDGE. So frustrating! So they scheduled an induction for next Tuesday at 6 am. The day before I have to go in and have this weird catheter thing inserted to soften my cervix. Strange. Anyway, SAY PRAYERS THIS BABY COMES BEFORE THEN!! I don't think I can handle another full week of being pregnant, and I hear induced labors are longer than natural ones.
oh, bless your heart! I was a week over due, and they had to induce me also! Even after being induced I never dialated! I had to have a C-Section.
The baby shower game is too cute! I am giving a shower in a couple of weeks, we might try that!
GOD I FEEL YOUR PAIN. I was supposed to be induced Tuesday morning and when I went in Monday for my cervix-softening, I was having contractions so my OB went ahead and broke my water. I had Pitocin and an epidural and it was absolutely wonderful. Hang in there girl!!
That IS a cute game! Love it!
My neighbors had their baby the day before they were due to be induced, so keep your hopes up! Either way, a safe delivery is a good one...
Oh man! I'll send you good labor vibes. I hope it starts soon.
I was induced 2 weeks early and had a 6 hour labor (total), so not all inductions are bad. But then I was already 2cm. Maybe that makes a difference.
I love the picture of the bubble gum babies. What a cool idea!
Glad all is well. And you look great!!
Don't worry about being induced. ANYTHING is better than being even more overdue. You won't even care what they do to you, as long as you don't have to be pregnant anymore.
Hooray for you guys and your (soon to be) new little baby.
Oh, and every labor is different. For what it's worth, I was enduced this past pregnancy and had the baby just before 1:00 pm and only pushed twice. It went very fast. Again though, they are all different. You'll be fine.
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